This procedure (sub) will create a report for the given table dynamically by adding all the fields found in the table. If ā_Pā is passed to the 2nd parameter, it will create report in portrait report, if ā_Lā is passed, it will create a landscape report.
Public Sub CreateNewReportForThisTable(tblName As String, P_L As String)
Dim rpt As Report, rptNameJustCreated As String, rptNameFinal As String
rptNameFinal = "rpt" & StrConv(tblName, vbProperCase) & P_L
If reportExistsInTheDatabase(rptNameFinal) Then
MsgBox rptNameFinal & " already exists in the database"
'DoCmd.DeleteObject acForm, rptNameJustCreated
Set rpt = CreateReport(, "rptBlankReport")
rptNameJustCreated = rpt.Name
'MsgBox rptNameJustCreated
With rpt
.RecordSource = tblName
.Section(0).Height = 400 ' Form Detail
.Section(1).Visible = True ' Form Header
.Section(1).Height = 400 ' Form Header
'.Section(1).DisplayWhen = 0 ' Form Header
'.Section(2).Height = 100 ' Form Footer
If P_L = "_L" Then
.Printer.Orientation = acPRORLandscape
.Width = 10 * 1440 ' 10 Inch, Leave 1 Inch for Margins
.Printer.Orientation = acPRORPortrait
.Width = 7.5 * 1440 ' 7.5 Inch, Leave 1 Inch for Margins
End If
End With
DoCmd.Save acReport, rptNameJustCreated
DoCmd.Close acReport, rptNameJustCreated
DoCmd.Rename rptNameFinal, acReport, rptNameJustCreated
'Add Controls to the Report that was just created
Call AddControlsToTheReportOfThisTable(tblName, P_L)
'This procedure does most of the work
End If
End Sub
This is a complimentary article written by the MAARS team for the MAARS user community. Code in this article drives the operation of MAARS (MS Access Application wRiting Software). MAARS is an intelligent automation program that speeds up MS Access Application Development by 10x, 20x or 100x times. To learn more about MAARS, click here.
Some information included in this article may have been sourced from other publicly available websites and blogs. In such cases, credit goes to those authors for the original ideas and thoughts, but we do take credit for putting valuable information together and improve the efficiency of other office developers.