How to add controls to an MS Access Report programmatically using VBA

This procedure (sub) will add all the fields (text boxes) found in the underlying source table to the report programmatically using VBA. This also adds the proper buttons to the report output.

Sub AddControlsToTheReportOfThisTable(tblName As String, P_L As String)
Dim rpt As Report, ctl As Control, ctlLabel As Control, ctlLabelHeader As Control, ctrlName As String, ctrlSource As String
Dim rptName As String, mdl As Module, fldCounter As Integer, colCounter As Integer
Dim shortButtonL As Integer, LongButtonL As Integer, startPoscontrols As Integer, buttonH As Integer, buttonT As Integer
Dim numFields As Integer, paperWidthInInch As Integer, hH As Integer, fH As Integer, drHeight As Integer, fldsPerRow As Integer

startPoscontrols = 100 'twips
shortButtonL = 400
LongButtonL = 2000
buttonH = 420
buttonT = 50
paperWidthInInch = 10
hH = 400
fH = 360
drHeight = 400
fldsPerRow = 7
'Name    Value   Description
'acViewDesign    1   Design view
'acViewLayout    6   Layout view
'acViewNormal    0   (Default) Normal view
'acViewPivotChart    4   PivotChart view
'acViewPivotTable    3   PivotTable view
'acViewPreview   2   Print Preview
'acViewReport    5   Report view

'None    0   (Default) The current section (the section for which you're setting the property) is printed on the current page.
'Before Section  1   The current section is printed at the top of a new page.
'After Section   2   The section immediately following the current section is printed at the top of a new page.
'Before & After  3   The current section is printed at the top of a new page, and the next section is printed at the top of a new page.

'Name    Value   Description
'acDetail    0   (Default) Detail section
'acFooter    2   Form or report footer
'acGroupLevel1Footer 6   Group-level 1 footer (reports only)
'acGroupLevel1Header 5   Group-level 1 header (reports only)
'acGroupLevel2Footer 8   Group-level 2 footer (reports only)
'acGroupLevel2Header 7   Group-level 2 header (reports only)
'acHeader    1   Form or report header
'acPageFooter    4   Page footer
'acPageHeader    3   Page header

'Dim tblName$
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim list$, n%
Dim msg$
Dim procHeader As String, SQLHeader As String, SQLData As String
Dim iType%

Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(tblName)
' Check how many fields are in the table
With rs
    numFields = .Fields.Count
End With

rptName = "rpt" & tblName & P_L
DoCmd.OpenReport ReportName:=rptName, View:=acDesign
Set rpt = Reports(rptName)

colCounter = 1
leftPos = rpt.WindowLeft + 1440 / 2
toppos = rpt.WindowTop + 100
Set mdl = rpt.Module

With rpt

  .Section(1).Height = hH
  .Section(2).Height = fH
    'Place the labels in the header section
    If ControlExistsInReport("lblReportHeader", rptName) = False Then
         Set ctlLabel = CreateReportControl(rptName, acLabel, Section:=acHeader, Width:=rpt.Width / 2, _
            Height:=(hH * 0.9), Left:=rpt.Width / 3, Top:=0)
            ctlLabel.Name = "lblReportHeader"
            ctlLabel.Caption = StrConv(Replace(tblName, "tbl", ""), vbProperCase) & " Report"
            ctlLabel.ControlTipText = "Double Click to See Print Preview of the Report"
            ctlLabel.FontSize = 18
            Call mdl.InsertLines(3, "Dim vCounter as Integer, gRecordsToPrintPerPage as Integer")
            lngReturn = mdl.CreateEventProc("DblClick", ctlLabel.Name)
            mdl.InsertLines lngReturn + 1, vbTab & "gRecordsToPrintPerPage = CInt(InputBox(""How many records to print per page?"", ""Enter Records"", 2))"
            mdl.InsertLines lngReturn + 2, vbTab & "DoCmd.OpenReport, acViewPreview"
    End If
    .Section(1).BackColor = RGB(140, 60, 80)
    .Section(2).BackColor = RGB(140, 60, 80)
    'MsgBox .Section(2).Height
    .Section(2).Height = 500
End With

Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset([tblName])

With rs
   ' MsgBox "There are " & .Fields.Count & " columns in " & tblName
    numFields = .Fields.Count

For n% = 0 To .Fields.Count - 1
fldCounter = fldCounter + 1
    list$ = list$ & .Fields(n%).Name & Chr(44) & dmwFieldType(.Fields(n%).Type) & vbNewLine
    iType% = .Fields(n%).Type
    'For Each prpLoop In .Fields(n%).Properties
     '   MsgBox .Fields(n%).Size
    Select Case iType%
    Case 1
        fldType$ = "Boolean"
    Case 2
        fldType$ = "Byte"
    Case 3
        fldType$ = "Integer"
    Case 4
        fldType$ = "Long"
    Case 5
        fldType$ = "Currency"
    Case 6
        fldType$ = "Single"
    Case 7
        fldType$ = "Double"
    Case 8
        fldType$ = "Date" '"Date/Time"
    Case 9
        fldType$ = "Binary"
    Case 10
        fldType$ = "String" '"Short Text"
    Case 11
        fldType$ = "Long Binary"
    Case 12
        fldType$ = "String" '"Long Text"
    Case 15
        fldType$ = "GUID"
    Case 16
        fldType$ = "Double" '"Large Number"
    Case 101
        fldType$ = "Attachment"
    Case Else
        fldType$ = "NOT RECOGNISED"
    End Select
    ctrlName = fldType$ & .Fields(n%).Name
    ctrlSource = .Fields(n%).Name
    If ControlExistsInReport(ctrlName, rptName) = False Then
    If .Fields.Count <= 20 Then
        'Place the data entry fields in the detail section
        w = ((rpt.Width) - 1 * 1440) / (fldsPerRow) '(numFields)
        Set ctl = CreateReportControl(ReportName:=rptName, ControlType:=acTextBox, ColumnName:=ctrlSource, _
        Left:=leftPos, Top:=toppos, Width:=w, Height:=drHeight)
        ctl.Name = ctrlName
        'Place the labels in the header section
         Set ctlLabel = CreateReportControl(rptName, acLabel, Section:=acPageHeader, Width:=w, _
            Height:=drHeight, Left:=leftPos, Top:=toppos)
            ctlLabel.Name = ctrlSource
            ctlLabel.Caption = ctrlSource
            leftPos = leftPos + w 'rpt.Width / (numFields + 1) '+ 30
            If (fldCounter Mod 7) = 0 Then
                leftPos = rpt.WindowLeft + 1440 / 2
                toppos = toppos + drHeight
            End If
    Else ' More then 7 columns in the table, so create a single record Report
            'Place the labels first in the detail section
            lblWidth = rpt.Width / numFields
            w = ((rpt.Width) - 1 * 1440) / (fldsPerRow)
            Set ctlLabel = CreateReportControl(rptName, acLabel, Section:=acDetail, Width:=w, _
            Height:=420, Left:=leftPos, Top:=toppos)
            ctlLabel.Name = ctrlSource
            ctlLabel.Caption = fldCounter & ". " & ctrlSource
            'Place the data entry field next to the label in the detail section
            Set ctl = CreateReportControl(ReportName:=rptName, ControlType:=acTextBox, ColumnName:=ctrlSource, _
            Left:=leftPos + w, Top:=toppos, Width:=w, Height:=420)
            ctl.Name = ctrlName
            toppos = toppos + 420
           'leftPos = leftPos + w 'rpt.Width / (numFields + 1) '+ 30
            If fldCounter Mod 25 = 0 Then
                colCounter = colCounter + 1
                leftPos = leftPos + (w * 2) + 100
                toppos = rpt.WindowTop + 100
            End If
    End If
        MsgBox "Control " & ctrlName & " already exists in Report " & rptName
    End If

Next n%
End With

rpt.Caption = "Auto Created Report - " & StrConv(tblName, vbProperCase)

If fldCounter <= 7 Then
    rpt.DefaultView = 1 ' Continuous Report
    rpt.DefaultView = 0 ' Single Report
End If

'Add Procedures to the Report Module
    'MsgBox mdl.CountOfLines
    Dim startline As Integer
    Dim strProc As String, strProcBody As String
    strProc = "Detail_Format"
    If ProcedureExistsInModule(strProc, "Report_" & rptName) Then ' First Parameter - Procedure name, second parameter - module name
        startline = mdl.ProcStartLine(strProc, vbext_pk_Proc)
        totalLinesInModule = mdl.CountOfLines
        totalLinesInProc = mdl.ProcCountLines(strProc, vbext_pk_Proc)
        MsgBox strProc & " Proc already exists. Starts at line " & startline & ", contains " & totalLinesInProc & " lines"
        lngReturn = mdl.CreateEventProc("Format", "Detail") '  "format" is the event, Detail is the name of the control
        ' Insert text into body of procedure.
        'mdl.InsertLines lngReturn + 1, vbTab & "MsgBox ""Way so cool!"""
        strProcBody = "If vCounter = gRecordsToPrintPerPage Then" & vbCrLf & vbTab & "Me.Section(acDetail).ForceNewPage = 1"
        strProcBody = strProcBody & vbCrLf & vbTab & "vCounter = 0 " & vbCrLf & "Else " & vbCrLf & vbTab & "Me.Section(acDetail).ForceNewPage = 0"
        strProcBody = strProcBody & vbCrLf & "End if " & vbCrLf & vbTab & "vCounter = vCounter + 1"

        mdl.InsertLines lngReturn + 2, strProcBody
        'rpt.Section(acReportHeader).Visible = True
    End If
   ' MsgBox mdl.CountOfLines
    strProc = "Report_Open"
   If ProcedureExistsInModule(strProc, "Report_" & rptName) Then
       ' MsgBox "Report_Open Proc already exists"
        startline = mdl.ProcStartLine(strProc, vbext_pk_Proc)
        totalLinesInModule = mdl.CountOfLines
        totalLinesInProc = mdl.ProcCountLines(strProc, vbext_pk_Proc)
        MsgBox strProc & " Proc already exists. Starts at line " & startline & ", contains " & totalLinesInProc & " lines"
        lngReturn = mdl.CreateEventProc("Open", "Report")
        ' Insert text into body of procedure.
        'mdl.InsertLines lngReturn + 1, vbTab & "MsgBox ""Way so cool!"""
        mdl.InsertLines lngReturn + 1, vbTab & " vCounter=1 "
        'rpt.Section(acReportHeader).Visible = True
    End If
    'MsgBox mdl.CountOfLines

    DoCmd.Save acReport, rptName
    DoCmd.Close acReport, rptName, acSaveYes
    'DoCmd.OpenReport rptName, acViewPreview
    DoCmd.OpenReport rptName, acViewDesign
    DoCmd.Close acReport, rptName, acSaveYes
End Sub

This is a complimentary article written by the MAARS team for the MAARS user community. Code in this article drives the operation of MAARS (MS Access Application wRiting Software). MAARS is an intelligent automation program that speeds up MS Access Application Development by 10x, 20x or 100x times. To learn more about MAARS, click here.


Some information included in this article may have been sourced from other publicly available websites and blogs. In such cases, credit goes to those authors for the original ideas and thoughts, but we do take credit for putting valuable information together and improve the efficiency of other office developers.